Celebrate the music of exceptional British women with their wonderful flute pieces!
Dora Bright: Romance and Seguidilla for Flute and Piano

Dora Bright is not a familiar name so this piece is a rare treat. The Romance is beautiful with long flowing phrases that are easy to sing through and the Seguidilla is lively and bustling. Lovely British music! Difficulty Guide: 7-8
Madeleine Dring: Trio for Flute, Oboe and Piano

Madeleine Dring’s music is tuneful, rhythmic, quirky and charming all at the same time! This trio is easy on the ear with an elegant opening allegro that is characterised by changing metre and sparkling articulation, a beautiful Andante semplice showcasing the lyrical colours of both melody instruments, and a sparkling finale. It’s great to play and a real crowd pleaser! Difficulty Guide: 7-8
Lennon and McCartney arranged Mel Orris: Blackbird for Four Flutes.

Blackbird is an unusual choice for Mel Orriss to arrange but as usual the end result is great! The skill is in reproducing the guitar accompaniment which she has chosen to divide mainly between the second flute and bass. This works, so the melody can easily sit on top just as in the original – perfect! Difficulty Guide: 6-8
Sally Beamish: Words for My Daughter for Flute and Piano

Sally Beamish is one of Britain’s leading composers and this is a high quality work which makes a bold musical statement. The piece is based on a powerful poem by Janet Paisley about the realities of the future life of a new-born, and is stark rather than cosy. There are challenges for both players with complex rhythmic and tonal structures adding to the tricky technical difficulties and ensemble issues. The end result is very striking however, and would make an uncompromising as well as fascinating addition to any flute recital. Difficulty Guide: 9
Published by Roz Trubcher: Two Russian Pieces for Flute and Piano

This is a pairing of two very different but lovely pieces!. ‘Sweetheart’ by Alexander Darmgomyzhsky is spirited with a robust theme followed by two elegant variations, a short cadenza and even shorter coda. It is a really appealing piece! There is more charming music in the famous Russian Dance from Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky where the melody is expressively decorated and followed by the robust Allegro. Uncomplicated and great to play – perfect! Difficulty Guide: 6-7