Flute Time Christmas

A Sleighful of Playalong Christmas Flute Music

Playalong flute music has developed hugely over the last few years, with increasingly better backing tracks and a style for everyone. Here’s our pick of the best Christmas flute books, fit for festive flute fun!

Christmas Classics [Flute] Includes accompaniment CD

Christmas Classics by Dirko Juchem

This book (which is in the popular Schott Flute Lounge series) is a good place to start, with a great mix of carols and songs. These come with all the words, guitar chords, and a full piano accompaniment. The arrangements work well, and the CD has both performances on the flute and backing tracks only. There is even some background info on each of the pieces. Everyone can join in with this book – it’s a real Christmas star!

Favorite Christmas Carols for Classical Players

This book is a little different. Most settings are straightforward, in easy keys and often with a repeat an octave higher, but there are also some surprises. For instance, O Come All Ye Faithful gets the jazz treatment and Angels We Have Heard changes time frequently with a modulation to B major. The quality of the accompaniments is imaginative too: from the twinkling bells of Deck the Halls to the syncopation of Joy to the World, the piano always adds texture to the melodic line. The result is a great combination of familiarity and instrumental progression. Christmas Carols Plus!

Flute Time Christmas by David and Kathy Blackwell

This is a great book for younger flute players. Anyone who has used Abracadabra will feel at home immediately, as it uses the same popular approach. Carols are mixed with Christmas songs, and words and guitar chords are included too. An added bonus is that some of the arrangements are for two flutes, which could be useful. The cover on this book is festive and the drawings inside are lovely, so it’s excellent gift material as well. The piano accompaniment is available in a separate volume.

Christmas Razzamajazz by Sarah Watts

If you like your music spiced up a little, try Christmas Razzamajazz. Sarah Watts has given ten Christmas classics a twist, with some feel-good jazzy accompaniments whilst keeping the flute parts simple. The titles are great – Distant Sleighs lends a sparkling feel to Jingle Bells and Three Swingin’ Ships is self-explanatory! Six of the pieces have an optional second flute part and one can be played by a trio. The piano parts can be a little tricky though so the CD might just come in handy after lunch!

Abracadabra Christmas Flute Showstoppers

Young flute players will just love this book! Parents will be pleased too as it’s a great way to encourage performance at a special time for families. The familiar tunes are easy to learn and the backing track provides a confidence boosting anchor when playing in a family and friends situation. Perfect for Christmas!

Browse more flute playalong Christmas music on justflutes.com